Canadian Pacific 2816 - Final Spike Tour
Volume 1 - Calgary to Kansas City
On April 26, 2024 Canadian Pacific 4-6-4 #2816 embarked on a monumental two and a half month trip - from Calgary to Mexico City and back - after Canadian Pacific and Kansas City Southern merged to form CPKC. In order to celebrate the new 3-nation railroad, #2816 led the Final Spike Tour across the Canadian prairies, south through the central part of the United States, and finally into Mexico. The locomotive was restored to operation specifically for this trip - an unprecedented 8,000-mile adventure across the North American continent.
This program chronicles the first two weeks of the tour as "The Empress" ran from Calgary, Alberta to Kansas City, Missouri. On the first 2 days, #2816 traveled east across Alberta and into Saskatchewan. After a display day in Moose Jaw, the special turned southeast in order to cross into the US at Portal, North Dakota. The locomotive then followed the former Soo Line route to the Twin Cities, with displays in Minot, North Dakota and St Paul, Minnesota. Finally, #2816 ran for 2 days over CPKC's former Milwaukee Road mainline to Chicago, before turning back west for another 2 days down to Kansas City.
This video has comprehensive coverage of the first week of the tour as #2816 ran from Calgary to Minneapolis. Highlights from the second week of the tour are then shown including the 2 days from Minneapolis to Chicago and the 2 days from Chicago to Kansas City.
Filmed entirely in HD, this program features great action on the central plains of Canada and the US. This program has minimal narration (with the option to turn it on or off) and no distracting music. It's available on standard definition widescreen DVD, High Definition Blu-ray disc, and for rental or purchase through Vimeo's On Demand streaming service.